
How Jobdeck used Nexrender to create a killer feature for their product


Hiring the right person is always a challenging task for any business, us included. This someone should have the right skills & experience, fit well with the company culture, and definitely be a team player.

It becomes more complicated when there are lots of positions to fill all at once, the hiring team is too small to keep up with demand, or there has been yet another change in the market. One day, you’re knocking on every door on LinkedIn to find the right candidate, and the next, your inbox is completely flooded with resumes just like Harry Potter was with letters inviting him to Hogwarts.

In this article, we’ll tell more about the company that takes a big part of the burden and helps both parties find each other faster. How does Nexrender contribute to this? Let’s find out!

Jobdeck - automated hiring software

Jobdeck - so much more than just a job board

Jobdeck is an automatic job marketing and applicant screening platform that makes hiring easier by taking care of repetitive tasks. This allows recruiters to dedicate more time to meaningful conversations with potential candidates.

Among the main features are AI-generated job descriptions, a candidate scoring system, seamless integrations with popular hiring platforms, analytics, and more.

But there is one feature that makes Jobdeck stand out, and it’s our favorite one (we’re totally biased here).

Jobdeck’s game-changing feature powered by Nexrender

The way hiring managers find potential candidates isn’t the same as before. Nowadays, in order to reach the right audience it’s crucial to use social media channels, especially with Gen Z already in the workforce and Alpha soon to enter the market. Posts on social media should include visually compelling media assets to capture attention, as pictures and videos consistently outperform plain text in engagement.

Meanwhile, creating professional media assets can be very costly and there is rarely designer capacity for such purposes (that’s the problem we encountered lots of times too).

Here comes the most prominent and desired feature of Jobdeck - automated job media generation.

Look at these cool media assets we got in just under a minute:

Company looking for a new team member
Person looking for a new job
Recruiter calls to screen a candidate
Person got a job offer

The Jobdeck team spent quite some time trying to figure out how to automate the video creation process and make it easier for all the companies hiring. That’s when they stumbled upon Nexrender and decided to try it.

By leveraging Nexrender, Jobdeck developed an automated media creation workflow which allows companies to effortlessly generate polished media assets directly from their job descriptions. The assets are tailored for instant publication across various social networks, maximizing their reach and impact.

This automation not only saves time and resources but also ensures that every job posting is accompanied by compelling visuals and will get to the right audience.

Thanks to Nexrender, Jobdeck’s potential has not just been unlocked, but supercharged! We’re now creating dynamic job videos and stunning image adverts with unmatched efficiency and speed!
Adam Nicholson, Visual Media Manager @ Jobdeck
Adam Nicholson
Visual Media Manager @ Jobdeck

Key Takeaways

Jobdeck’s integration of Nexrender has transformed job marketing by introducing automated media creation capabilities. This signature feature provides the real prospect of allowing job posts to go viral, capturing candidates where they prefer to hang out on social media.

By harnessing Nexrender’s technology, Jobdeck is the world’s first job site to create compelling visual content automatically from a job description. This feature not only saves time and resources but also ensures that every job advertisement is presented in a professional and engaging manner, marking Jobdeck as one of the leaders in innovative recruitment solutions.

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